Met a girl in the parking lot And all I did was say hello Her pepper spray made it rather hard For me to walk her home But I guess that's the way it goes Tell me again was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye Wouldn't you know love could shine this bright Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights Met a girl with a graceful charm But when beauty met the beast he froze Got the sense I was not her type By black eye and bloody nose But I guess that's the way it goes Tell me again was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye Wouldn't you know love could shine this bright Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights It's suffocating to say, but the female mystique take my breath away So give me a smile or give me a sneer Cause i'm trying to guess here Tell me again was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye Wouldn't you know love could shine this bright Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights Tell me again was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye Wouldn't you know love could shine this bright If life was a game you would never play nice If love was a beam you'd be blind in both eyes Put your sunglasses 'cause you are the deer in the headlights Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights You're the deer in the headlights You're the deer in the headlights
dodious blog. Powered by Blogger.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hot Air Balloon

We wrote a prelude
To our own fairy tale
And bought a parachute
At a church rummage sale

And with a mean sewing machine
And miles of thread
We sewed the day above L.A.
In navy and red

We wound a race track
Through your mom's kitchen chairs
And fought the shadows back
Down your dark basement stairs

I lit a match, then let it catch
To light up the room
And then you yelled as we beheld
An old maroon hot air balloon

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

La la la la la laaa
La la la la la laaa

We drank the Great Lakes
Like cold lemonade
And both got stomach aches
Sprawled out in the shade

So bored to death you held your breath
And I tried not to yawn
You made my frown turn upside down
And now my worries are gone

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

AntiVirus di Flash Disk

Coba baca ini artikel mungkin bisa berguna banget buat blogger!!!
numpang ngeshare jaa ma ngasih ilmu ke blogger,, kali jaa berguna :) :)
kepingin kan FD (flash disk) agan gak bakal kena virus???

Sekarang ni orang sudah bnyak menggunakan flash disk dibandingkan dengan zaman dulu yang menggunakan disket. FD lebih fleksible dan lebih bnyk lagi keuntungannya di bandingkan dengan disket. tapi ada kelemahannya juga gan yaitu VIRUS  biisa masuk terus ngacak2 file agan bahkan file agan hilang. ini yang berbahaya apalagi kalau ada data atau file - file penting bisa repot klo kena virus.
dengan membaca artikel ini agan - agan gak usah worry lagii ma yang namanya virus. karena disini ada cara bagaimana FD agan di protect dengan antivirus yang portable.

Caranya gampang baca dan ikutin aja langkah - langkah ini.

1. ketik di notepad mantera berikut:
shell\Scan Virus\command=nama-antivirus.exe
shell=Scan Virus
2. terus save dengan nama autorun.inf (gak pake tanda kutip) di flashdisk nya gan
 sekarang tinggal agan copy aja antivirus yang mau kita masukin ke flashdisk..!
Tapi tolong diinget kalau copy jangan di dalam folder, langsung di root flash disk saja OK.
kalo  mau scan virus tinggal klik kanan drive flashdisknya bakalan ada tambahan kata di bawah kata Search…
Scan Virus


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Catalog T-Shirt DC

Monday, October 25, 2010


You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cuz they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You think me rude, but I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems

Cuz I get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they try to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sockhop beneath my bed
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
Cuz I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far to tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird cuz I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell (said farewell)
But I know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cuz I saved a few and I keep 'em in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Membuat buku tamu di blog

Untuk memperkaya tampilan blog , kita bisa memasang buku tamu atau shoutbox yang memang banyak kegunaannya salah satunya tentu untuk berinteraksi dengan pengunjung. Pesan-pesan penting dan singkat bisa ditulis di gadget satu ini, trus para pengunjung juga bisa mengungkapkan isi hati mereka mungkin saja pujian, kritik, permohonan dsb.
Bagi yang belum memasangnya n berminat caranya gampang, cuma beberapa langkah aja kok. mau ???. nih gini caranya :
Daftar dulu di, nanti akan keluar tampilan seperti screen short di bawah ,kemudian klik tulisan " Create Your Shoutmix Now", isi data anda seperti nama, password dan email anda. Jangan lupa centang juga tuh Term of Servicenya. Trus klik Continue.
Kemudian lanjutkan
  1. Jika anda sudah terdaftar, tinggal login dengan user name dan pasword tadi.
  2. Dalam Choose style pilih aja yang di sukai.. disitu ada compact, tag dll. jika udah klik Continue .
  3. Kalau mau langsung pasang tinggal klik get kode, kalau mau diseting warna teks, backround, dsb. pilih style & color
  4. Copy paste kode HTML nya dan pasang di blog anda
  5. Agar shoutbox nya sesuai ukuran lebar sidebar , anda bisa merubah ukuran lebar ataupun tinggi dari shoutbox , caranya tinggal merubah angka Width (untuk lebar) dan Height (untuk tinggi) dari dalam kode HTML shoutbox tersebut.
  6. Cara pasang di blognya seperti ini :

Untuk blogger dengan template klasik :
  1. Log in ke dengan id anda
  2. Klik menu Template
  3. Klik Edit HTML
  4. Paste kode HTML shoutbox yg telah di copy itu di tempat yang anda inginkan
  5. Untuk jelasnya saya ambil contoh dengan shoubox milik saya, untuk menempatkannya tinggal klik Edit pada browser lalu pilih Find (on this page).. trus tuliskan kata buku tamu lalu klik find, maka kita akan langsung di bawa ke tulisan tersebut. Jika sudah ketemu tulisan tadi silahkan paste kode HTML shoutbox nya.
  6. Klik tombol Preview untuk melihat perubahan yang kita buat.
  7. Jika sudah cocok dengan perubahan tadi, klik Save Template Changes
  8. Selesai

Untuk Blogger baru :
  1. Silahkan Login ke blogger dengan id anda
  2. Klik menu Layout
  3. Klik Page Element
  4. Klik Add a Page Element / add Gadget
  5. Klik tombol Add to Blog yang berada di bawah tulisan HTML/JavaScript
  6. Tuliskan judul shoutbox anda pada form title. Contoh : Buku tamu, atau Silahkan Isi Buku Tamu atau apa saja deh
  7. Paste kode HTML shoutbox anda di dalam form Content
  8. Klik tombol Save Changes
  9. Drag & Drop element yang telah anda buat tadi di tempat yang di sukai
  10. Tekan tombol Save
  11. Selesai
Selamat mencoba !

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cara membuat tulisan mengikuti cursor

saya mau bagi-bagi ilmu dan pengetahuan sama blogger tentang bagaimana cara membuat tulisan mengikuti cursor. cara nya ga susah qo cuma copas ja sama edit dikit-dikit script nya. yawdh ga sah bertele-tele lagi langsung ja eksekusi. langkah - langkah nya bisa blogger ikuti :

  1. Login ke Blogger
  2. Klik Rancangan ( Yang dulunya Tata Letak )
  3. Klik tab Edit HTML
  4. Beri tanda centang pada kotak di samping tulisan Expand Template Widget ,
    Kemudian cari kode </head>
    Tips : Untuk mempercepat pencarian sobat bisa gunakan tombol Ctrl + F atau (F3).
  5. Kalau sudah ketemu, Copy Paste kode berikut dan letakkan diatasnya.

    <style type='text/css'>
    #outerCircleText {
    font-style: italic;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-family: 'comic sans ms', verdana, arial;
    color: #0000ff; /* warna huruf */
    position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 3000;cursor: default;}
    #outerCircleText div {position: relative;}
    #outerCircleText div div {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;text-align: center;}

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    // Your message here (QUOTED STRING)
    var msg = "Imtikhan Ketitang Godong"; /* tulisan yang muncul */
    // Set font's style size for calculating dimensions
    // Set to number of desired pixels font size (decimal and negative numbers not allowed)
    var size =20; /* ukuran huruf */
    // Set both to 1 for plain circle, set one of them to 2 for oval
    // Other numbers & decimals can have interesting effects, keep these low (0 to 3)
    var circleY = 0.75; var circleX = 2;
    // The larger this divisor, the smaller the spaces between letters
    // (decimals allowed, not negative numbers)
    var letter_spacing = 5;
    // The larger this multiplier, the bigger the circle/oval
    // (decimals allowed, not negative numbers, some rounding is applied)
    var diameter = 10;
    // Rotation speed, set it negative if you want it to spin clockwise (decimals allowed)
    var rotation = 0.4;
    // This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low!
    // Set this to 1 or a decimal less than one (decimals allowed, not negative numbers)
    var speed = 0.3;
    ////////////////////// Stop Editing //////////////////////
    if (!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent || !document.createElement) return;
    msg = msg.split('');
    var n = msg.length - 1, a = Math.round(size * diameter * 0.208333), currStep = 20,
    ymouse = a * circleY + 20, xmouse = a * circleX + 20, y = [], x = [], Y = [], X = [],
    o = document.createElement('div'), oi = document.createElement('div'),
    b = document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat"? document.documentElement
    mouse = function(e){
    e = e || window.event;
    ymouse = !isNaN(e.pageY)? e.pageY : e.clientY; // y-position
    xmouse = !isNaN(e.pageX)? e.pageX : e.clientX; // x-position
    makecircle = function(){ // rotation/positioning
    if(init.nopy){ = (b || document.body).scrollTop + 'px'; = (b || document.body).scrollLeft + 'px';
    currStep -= rotation;
    for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){ // makes the circle
    d = document.getElementById('iemsg' + i).style; = Math.round(y[i] + a * Math.sin((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleY - 15) +
    d.left = Math.round(x[i] + a * Math.cos((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleX) + 'px';
    drag = function(){ // makes the resistance
    y[0] = Y[0] += (ymouse - Y[0]) * speed;
    x[0] = X[0] += (xmouse - 20 - X[0]) * speed;
    for (var i = n; i > 0; --i){
    y[i] = Y[i] += (y[i-1] - Y[i]) * speed;
    x[i] = X[i] += (x[i-1] - X[i]) * speed;
    init = function(){ // appends message divs, & sets initial values for positioning arrays
    ymouse += window.pageYOffset;
    xmouse += window.pageXOffset;
    } else init.nopy = true;
    for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){
    d = document.createElement('div'); = 'iemsg' + i; = = a + 'px';
    oi.appendChild(d); y[i] = x[i] = Y[i] = X[i] = 0;
    o.appendChild(oi); document.body.appendChild(o);
    setInterval(drag, 25);
    ascroll = function(){
    ymouse += window.pageYOffset;
    xmouse += window.pageXOffset;
    window.removeEventListener('scroll', ascroll, false);
    }; = 'outerCircleText'; = size + 'px';
    if (window.addEventListener){
    window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
    document.addEventListener('mouseover', mouse, false);
    document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouse, false);
    if (/Apple/.test(navigator.vendor))
    window.addEventListener('scroll', ascroll, false);
    else if (window.attachEvent){
    window.attachEvent('onload', init);
    document.attachEvent('onmousemove', mouse);
Tulisan yang warna kuning blogger bisa ganti sesuai keinginan blogger sendiri. terus simpan dan liat hasilnya

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cara mengganti background pada blog

Untuk mengganti background tidaklah sulit anda cukup ikuti tutorial yang saya berikan. Hal yang pertama tentu saja sobat harus mempunyai file image. Image ini bisa berbentuk imaage biasa, photo, bahkan animasi pun bisa. hal yang kedua adalah menguploadnya ke situs untuk menyimpan gambar, saya anggap blogger sudah bisa melakukannya.

Untuk ukuran gambar, blogger tidak usah membuatnya dalam bentuk yang sangat besar, karena walaupun ukuran asli dari image (gambar) adalah kecil, nanti akan di tampilkan dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak hingga memenuhi layar monitor, contoh saya sudah menguload sebuah gambar dengan ukuran yang kecil saja, gambarnya seperti ini (ukuran gambar dalam ukuran aslinya) : 

untuk cara instalasinya blogger bisa ikut langkah - langkah berikut ini :

  1. Sign in
  2. Klik menu Template
  3. Klik menu Edit HTML
  4. Copy seluruh kede Template, paste pada notepad lalu save untuk backup data
  5. Tambahkan kode berikut pada style sheet css blogger (yang warna merah adalah kode yang harus di tambahkan) :
  6. body { background:#fff url('
    '); margin:0; padding:40px 20px; font:x-small Georgia,Serif; text-align:center; color:#333; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; }
6. Klik tombol Pratinjau untuk melihat perubahan
    7. Jika sudah OK, klik tombol Simpan Perubahan Template
      8. Selesai.

      Saya rasa ini sangat mudah dilakukan, karena tidak banyak kode yang harus di tambahkan, 

      selamat mencoba...........   

      Tuesday, October 19, 2010

      Super honeymoon

      Glamour and fashion models and magazines
      A striking runway entrance
      Beauty and passion, stardust and high class scenes
      Of popular teens
      When I lived in Denver, I met a millionaire
      With ribbons in her blonde hair
      I still remember, she was like a princess
      Straight from a dreamy castle in the air

      So lovely
      She was everything to me

      Both alone in the dark, we longed to see the sun
      Rise over the Bering Strait
      I was sick of the west when I turned 21
      So I moved to the Sunshine State
      We played golf on the moon, and tennis on the sun
      Like athletes of the afternoon
      The solar flares burned my arms, and made her makeup run
      On our super lunar honeymoon

      I was the youngest son of a congressman
      And everything was my fault
      She was a gymnast, happily swinging
      On the uneven bars, tucked in a somersault

      So lovely
      She was everything to me
      So lovely
      She was everything to me

      Both alone in the dark, we longed to see the sun
      Rise over the Bering Strait
      I was sick of the west when I turned 21
      So I moved to the Sunshine State
      We played golf on the moon, and tennis on the sun
      Like athletes of the afternoon
      The solar flares burned my arms, and made her makeup run
      On our super lunar honeymoon

      Sunday, October 17, 2010

      To The Sky

      Shipwreck in the sea of faces,
      There’s a dreamy world up there,
      Dear friends in higher places,
      Carry me away from here,
      Travel light let the sun eclipse you,
      ‘Cause your flight is about to leave,
      And there’s more to this brave adventure,
      Than you’d ever believe,
      Birdseye view, awake the stars ’cause they’re all around you,
      Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
      Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
      Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
      So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
      Take to the sky,
      On the hills of lore and wonder,
      There’s a stormy world up there,
      You can’t whisper above the thunder,

      But you can fly anywhere,
      Purple burst of paper birds this,
      Picture paints a thousand words,
      So take a breath of mist and mystery,
      And don’t look back!
      Birdseye view, awake the stars ’cause they’re all around you,
      Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
      Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
      Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
      So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
      Take to the sky,
      There’s a realm above the trees,
      Where the lost are finally found,
      Touch your feathers to the breeze,
      And leave the ground,
      Birdseye view, awake the stars ’cause they’re all around you,
      Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
      Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
      Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
      So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
      Take to the sky,
      Birdseye view, awake the stars ’cause they’re all around you,
      Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
      Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
      Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
      So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
      Take to the sky.